We’re not just improving our label, we’re improving the recycling system to drive better environmental outcomes.
We’re moving How2Recycle Forward.
As the recycling landscape changes, the How2Recycle Forward campaign will help members meet the moment. The campaign comprises four key initiatives: refreshing our label design, enhancing our data ecosystem, optimizing our operations, and empowering consumers to make informed disposal decisions.
Our Refreshed Labels: How2Recycle Pro and How2Recycle Plus
After years of the Legacy How2Recycle Label, in October 2024 we announced our plans to soon offer the refreshed How2Recycle Pro label. We’ve designed the How2Recycle Pro label to be more clear, actionable, and compliant to ensure accuracy no matter when- or where a label is issued. Pending legislation, the label will soon be available to How2Recycle members in their member portal.
We’re also offering members the opportunity to request the dynamic QR code label, How2Recycle Plus featuring Recycle Check. This label utilizes data from The Recycling Partnership’s National Recycling Database to provide consumers with localized disposal instructions.
The Data Ecosystem Behind the Label
Better data breeds better assessments, better labeling, and a better recycling system. As part of the How2Recycle Forward campaign, we’re strengthening the data ecosystem behind the label, using data from leading, third-party certified sources to inform our assessments and designations.
Optimized Operations Designed to Help Scale the Label
When How2Recycle was formed, we prioritized getting as many labels on-pack as swiftly possible without sacrificing their integrity. After more than a decade of growth and thousands of SKUs to keep track of, we’re partnering with first-in-class companies to build more efficient systems that will help us scale our assessments and label designations.
Consumer Education to Scale Behavior Change
As EPR legislation compels companies to support consumer education, we’re exploring the possibility of mobilizing our base of 800 members to participate in a consumer education initiative. The goal? To empower consumers with the information they need to make the right disposal decision.
The Recycling Partnership
How2Recycle has partnered with the Recycling Partnership on our dynamic QR code label pairing. The How2Recycle Plus label featuring The Recycling Partnership’s Recycle Check QR code provides real-time, location-specific disposal instructions. The label draws from The Partnership’s National Recycling Database, a one-of-a-kind resource with recycling acceptance information from more than 9,000 unique community recycling programs across the U.S. covering 99% of the population.
How2Recycle has partnered with marketing and packaging leader Quad to conduct consumer and corporate research that will inform the refreshed design of the How2Recycle label.
Association of Plastics Recyclers (APR)
How2Recycle partners with The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) to help guide our understanding of design and reprocessing to ensure that materials are recyclable in practice. APR plays a key role in what we refer to as “technical recyclability,” and their ongoing work focuses on validating the “reprocessing” requirements to ensure that PE flexible packaging can be reprocessed.
How2Recycle and On Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) are partners in sharing best practices around defining recyclability, assessing regional programs, policy efforts, consumer research, and future data harmonization opportunities to improve recycling.
How2Recycle and AMERIPEN have a shared vision of advancing sustainable packaging. Together, we share expertise and collaborate on educational materials, workshops, webinars, speaking engagements, and industry working groups to advance our shared goals.
How2Recycle has also partnered with the global sustainable packaging consultancy Aura. As part of our partnership, we leverage Aura’s technical expertise to improve the How2Recycle membership experience by making our member platform more streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly.
Marks + SGS & Co
Fueled by two connected specialist teams, Marks and SGS, empowers acceleration on a global scale, bringing the world’s biggest brands to life. How2Recycle has partnered with SGS Marks to streamline the print application process behind the How2Recycle label.
Specright is the world’s leading platform for supply chain data management and specification management. How2Recycle partners with Specright to streamline our internal assessment and artwork operations as we work to further scale the How2Recycle label.
News on How2Recycle Forward
Packaging Europe: How2Recycle announces label with real-time, localized disposal instructions
Read Packaging Europe’s coverage of our new dynamic label offering.
Packaging World: How2Recycle Taps Recycle Check for Adaptive, Localized Package Disposal Instructions
Read Packaging World’s coverage of the How2Recycle Plus featuring Recycle Check label.
Packaging Dive: The How2Recycle Label is Getting a New Look
Read Packaging Dive’s coverage of our label design refresh.
How2Recycle Launches How2Recycle Forward Campaign, Evolving the Program Behind Nation’s Most Recognizable On-pack Label
GreenBlue to Power How2Recycle Forward: The Dynamic, Data-Driven Future of On-Pack Labeling.
Packaging World: How2Recycle Launches Dynamic, Adaptable, ‘Future-proof’ On-Pack Label
Read Packaging World’s coverage of our How2Recycle Forward campaign.
Industry Unites Behind The Recycling Partnership’s Community Recycling Program Acceptance Data
Joint Effort Between The Recycling Partnership and GreenBlue Harmonizes Industry Data to Improve Packaging Design, Recycling Infrastructure Investment, and Policy