How2Compost is an on-package label informing consumers of a products’ compostability. We partner with the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) to ensure that every package with the How2Compost label is BPI-Certified compostable.
Designed with the Federal Trade Commission’s Green Guides in mind, How2Compost and its sister label How2Recycle are a comprehensive on-package recovery labeling system. Our goals were developed through open discussion with numerous stakeholders, and relate to the ultimate vision of a system where valuable packaging materials are responsibly disposed of and recovered properly.
Frequently Asked Questions
What qualifies for BPI certification Testing?
Composters must closely manage contamination, standards of materials entering the stream, and produce a high-value result. Items that come into direct contact with food scraps, yard trimmings, and similar desirable organic materials are eligible for BPI Certification.
Does H2C Recognize other certification bodies?
No, How2Compost only recognizes BPI certification and was created in partnership with BPI.
Does H2C have a label for at-home composting?
No, BPI does not offer home compostability certification at this time.
How2Compost Membership Interest
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The How2Compost Label

Launched in 2016, the How2Compost label was developed in collaboration with BPI and is available to brandowners that are How2Recycle members to use on packages that have gone through the Biodegradable Products Institute’s certification process. BPI certification is open to any contact and products holding food and other organic matter that demonstrate that meet the requirements in ASTM D6400 or D6868, based on testing in a BPI-approved laboratory. Both How2Compost and How2Recycle, its companion program, are designed in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Green Guides.