Tag: label

How2Recycle Updates Canadian Check Locally Labels, Complying with Québec’s Charter of the French Language

How2Recycle has completed the Check Locally label update for products sold in Canada to comply with the strictest interpretation of Québec’s Charter of the French Language.

The updated dual language design co-locates all French and English text and provides equal language prominence. Going forward, all label requests for products sold in Canada with a Check Locally component will be assigned the redesigned label.

All outdated Check locally labels have been updated. If you believe a label has been missed during the update, please contact us at how2recycle@greenblue.org with the direct URL to the label request. We urge members to update their labels on-pack as soon as possible to comply with the law today and avoid potential penalties.

As a reminder, submission of an updated artwork proof is required before printing the label on-pack.

To view your labels affected by this update, log in to the Member Platform and filter by Geography (Canada) and Component Recyclability (Check Locally).

Screenshot of member portal for Canada check locally

Members can filter for “Geography” and “Check Locally” to find the label.


Additional label changes may be deemed necessary due to emerging legislation from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and ongoing program work with the SPC Design Collaborative.

Want to learn more about the rules spurring the label change? Check out these resources:

How2Recycle piloting shared label with Recycling Partnership

Paul Nowak & Olga Kachook at SPC Advance 2022

“The idea is that we could have a combined label that’s dynamic,” said Tom Pollock, GreenBlue’s director of strategic partnerships, noting the potential to also translate what they learn from how consumers are using the searchable tool into broader changes. “So if we have more data about what’s happening in recycling, in the recycling infrastructure, we can use that and share that with our partners so that we can make improvements.”

The How2Recycle Label Does So Much Right. Why are Recycling Rates So Low?

“It’s really challenging because as we see that occur, (we’re) operating at a national scale, so figuring out how to adapt to the different states while still communicating to a national market is complex.” – Karen Hagerman, Director, How2Recycle

“One really hot topic with the How2Recycle label, our membership and just recyclability in general is all the movement on policy to regulate recyclability messaging,” she said, referring to California’s S.B. 343 truth in labeling law coming into effect in 2024.