We’re not just improving our label, we’re improving the recycling system to drive better environmental outcomes.
We’re moving How2Recycle Forward.
When will the new How2Recycle labels be available?
The refreshed design of the How2Recycle Pro label will soon be available to members pending legislative review. How2Recycle Plus featuring Recycle Check is immediately available to How2Recycle members interested in a dynamic label. To begin the process of adopting a How2Recycle Plus featuring Recycle Check label, How2Recycle members can view the steps and begin the adoption process here.
Once the refreshed labels are available, do I need to change my label immediately?
Members do not need to change their labels immediately; however, we recommend that How2Recycle members update their labels to the updated How2Recycle labels promptly to ensure compliance with evolving legislation.
Do I need to request the new How2Recycle label?
Members do not need to request new designs for existing labels. Shortly after the refreshed labels are live, members should find their existing labels replaced with the refreshed designs within the Member Platform. How2Recycle will not be supplying the How2Recycle Legacy Label upon requests for new labels.
How do dynamic labels work?
With the integration of a QR code, consumers can scan the How2Recycle label then enter a zip code or share location permissions. From there, the Recycle Check platform will draw on data from The Recycling Partnership’s National Recycling Database to provide localized disposal or recycling information.
What data are the dynamic labels based on?
How2Recycle Plus featuring Recycle Check draws data from The Recycling Partnership’s National Recycling Database, which provides localized insights on material acceptance across more than 9,000 unique community recycling programs, representing 99% of the U.S. population. Learn more about the National Recycling Database and the methodology behind the data.
Are the new labels compliant with state-specific regulations?
The refreshed How2Recycle Pro label is designed to be future-proofed to meet the needs of evolving regulations across the U.S. and Canada. The final design of the refreshed label is contingent on alignment with relevant regulatory bodies.
Are the criteria for label designations changing?
No. At this moment, the criteria for label designations will not change with the design refresh; however, label designation criteria can change pending shifts in material recyclability, access, legislation, and a series of other factors. Members are required to review the bi-annual How2Recycle Guidelines for Use to ensure proper use of the How2Recycle label.
How2Recycle reserves the right to determine whether specific packaging will be included in or excluded from certain material categories for the purpose of its program label assessments. For more information on building a case for the inclusion of specific packaging, please refer to the section titled “Our Call to Action” in the Methodology for How2Recycle’s Integration of the National Recycling Database’s Community Recycling Program Acceptance Data.