September 17, 2024 ,

The Future of Recycling Depends on These Three T’s: Technology, Transparency, and Trust

Man Emptying Household Recycling Into Green Bin

To understand the revolution brewing in recycling, we can look at these three key numbers:

  • The global market for artificial intelligence in waste management is projected to expand from $1.6 billion in 2023 to $18.2 billion by 2033.
  • 30% of Americans don’t believe that the materials they put in the recycling bin actually get recycled.
  • Nearly 17% of Americans live in states that have passed Extended Producer Responsibility laws.

What do these statistics have in common? They point to the fact that, right now, the recycling system is at a crossroads. As new technologies, new narratives, and new laws emerge, the recycling paradigm is primed to shift. 

How can we bring the recycling system forward to address the urgent climate and environmental needs, align with changing legislation, and achieve the potential in the recycling system? We can build on the old three R’s—reduce, reuse, and recycle–and carry the system forward with the three T’s: technology, transparency, and trust. 


Technology: Solutions for Clearer Communications and a Cleaner Tomorrow

Between machine learning making leaps and bounds to our advancement of a dynamic label offering for How2Recycle members, technology has incredible potential in the years ahead to transform recycling. 

Let’s look at machine learning first. Packaging designs have become increasingly complex. Machine learning and artificial intelligence can help revolutionize sorting, helping to sort recycling and screen out non-recyclable materials. One recycling and robotics platform can even sort objects with over 95% accuracy, helping speed up and streamline the systems where it’s been implemented. 

Before a material even makes it to a materials recovery facility (MRF) though, consumers need to understand which bin to put their waste in. That’s where the How2Recycle program comes in. 

Since 2012, we’ve helped brands share clear communications with consumers, instructing them on how to dispose of their product or packaging. Now, our program is embracing new technologies that will optimize our operations with industry leading partners like Specright, Aura, and Marks. We’re harmonizing and sourcing first-in-class, third-party validated data to inform our assessments and label designations. We’re preparing to offer members a dynamic QR code label to ensure legislative compliance and accuracy. And we’re leaning into these technologies so we can scale the most recognizable on-pack instructions across North America. 


Transparency: Making Communications and Sustainability Clear in a Changing Landscape 

At the heart of the How2Recycle program is a commitment to empowering transparent communications between brands and their consumers. Together with brands, we clearly and concisely communicate a material’s recyclability and corresponding disposal instructions. 

In recent research, the How2Recycle label was shown to encourage or influence a purchase decision for 51% of consumers. This trend is only on the rise, with 37% and 39% of Gen Z and millennial consumers, respectively, viewing environmental impact as “an extremely or very important factor” during purchasing decisions. Of course, this comes with the caveat that brands should be careful in their communications, because consumers are quick to identify greenwashing. 

So, what’s our takeaway? Consumers want clear, transparent communications around the recyclability and sustainability of their purchases. That’s why, in our label design refresh, we’re embarking on two comprehensive rounds of consumer testing to ensure that the refreshed How2Recycle label is even more clear, actionable, and easily understood as disposal instructions. When we succeed, we’ll get more waste into the right streams and keep it out of our environment. 


Trust: Rebuilding Faith in the Potential of Our Recycling System

When it comes to recycling, trust is becoming increasingly elusive. While a majority of Americans still believe or participate in recycling, recent reporting—especially around the Store Drop-off system—is eroding trust and turning up the temperature to improve certain components of the system and make it more transparent. 

That’s where our first two T’s can help. More efficient, tech-forward recycling leads to increased credibility in recycling. More transparent, clear communication leads to increased credibility around brands. And what does credibility build? Trust. 

Trust in the potential of our recycling system and in a new, improved label has immense potential to move the entire system forward into a new era. With trust in tow, we can reap better recycling participation, less contamination, and better outcomes for our environment. 

If you’re interested in capitalizing on the potential in recycling with us, get involved or get in touch with How2Recycle today.